"The Tournament Statue earns you extra Runes in battle during the Challenges. Keep upgrading the Tournament Statue to earn more Runes in battle!"
Events are challenges where you need to complete 3 Quest Events. Aside from that, there is a Tournament Statue that you need to upgrade to specific Level to complete the Quest. Tournament Statue also earns you extra Runes in battle while the Event is still ongoing.
Runes are resources that is only available during the Event. Though it doesn't have any value, it is required to complete certain Quest Event. During the event, you earn Runes by earning at least one star. To get maximum Runes during battle, you need to destroy your opponent's Tournament Statue. Bonus Runes are given when you upgrade your Tournament Statue. You also get Bonus Runes by Boosting your Tournament Statue and by attacking players with Palace equal or higher than yours. Penalties are given when you attack other players with Palace lower than yours. And the worst is you get negative Runes if you drop your trophies too much during the Event. You also get negative Runes if you only destroy less than 25% during battle.
Tournament Statue[]
Note : Jade amount inside the parenthesis are deducted amounts after Finish Button clicked.
List of Events[]
- Holiday Events -started july 4 2015
- Princess Power Challenge - started on august 5 2015
- Clan Challenge - conducted in March, 2014
- Beast Showdown - conducted in March, 2014
- Fire Challenge Event - started on April 17, 2014 at 10:00AM PST
- Princess Power Challenge 2 - conducted in April, 2014
- Guardian Orb Challenge - started on May 12, 2014 at 10:00AM PST
- Sensei Tower Uprgrade - conducted in May, 2014
- Gold Vault Challenge - started on June 10, 2014 at 02:00PM PST
- Sushi Vault Challenge - conducted in July, 2014
- Incinerating Challenge - conducted in August, 2014
- Gold Shrine Challenge - started on September 3, 2014 at 10:00AM PST
- Sushi Shrine Challenge- started on October 1, 2014 at 10:00AM PST
- Shard Challenge - started on November 14, 2014 at 10:00AM PST
- Awesome Token Challenge - started on December 1, 2014 at 10:00AM PST